
Our Moxie Fiber Story

Moxie Fiber LLC is the culmination of three generations of fiber love and the channel through which I elevate natural fibers with a touch of moxie to create products for like-minded enthusiasts around the world.

Why “Moxie?” To do something “with moxie” means to do it with a courageous spirit and determination—to do it with vigor and know-how.

This was my parents in a nutshell. In the 1960s, my father immigrated to the United States from Fez, Morocco to share his passion in hairstyling and germinate what has become a multi-generational network of upscale hair salons in Washington, DC. Years later, my mother saw an opportunity, packed our bags and moved the whole family to Israel. So both my dad and my mom had moxie—it’s in my genes!

So what about “Fiber?” Inspired by my mother and grandmother in the late 1970s, I learned basic knitting techniques when I was 15 years old, and I have been refining my art and developing my passion ever since.

In the early 90s while living in Maryland, I focused on my career and began a business as an “Hair Up-do Specialist” in the wedding industry. Not unlike fiber art, designing hairstyles for brides and their bridal parties sharpened my focus on beautiful creations and honed my entrepreneurial spirit. Through the years, my fiber interests expanded from knitting to crocheting, spinning, and weaving.

In 2019, I received my first spinning wheel as a gift and purchased Corriedale and Lincoln wool batts from Waterford Wool LLC in Waterford, Virginia.

In 2020, I visited a local Alpaca ranch outside of Denver, Colorado to get up close and personal with the beautiful creatures responsible for a growing portion of my raw materials. As fate (or Providence!) would have it, the wedding industry (and my hair business) suffered during the COVID-19 pandemic and allowed me to focus almost exclusively on my fondness for fiber and the refinement of my artistic skills.

My fiber sourcing has grown to include not only high-quality commercial yarn businesses like Malabrigo and Peace Fleece, but also Romney wool from Kerry Knoll Farm in Purcelville, Virginia; Corriedale wool from Maplecroft Woolworks in Boulder, Colorado; and Huacaya Alpaca fiber from Absaroka Alpaca Ranch in Brighton, Colorado.

In early 2021, I decided it was time to share my passion with the world, and Moxie Fiber LLC was born. Thank you for visiting, and please register so that I can better serve you!

